“Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.”


The Lord is my Shepard

1 The Provision of the Shepard 2 THE PROTECTION OF THE SHEPHERD 3. THE (FUTURE) PLANS OF THE SHEPHERD One of the biggest adjustments you need to make when you are going through problems is an attitude adjustment.

The power of fasting

Fasting humbles us and shapes our character so that we are prepared for what we are called to do. It is a call to God that declares that we would like to hear His voice.

Follow Me

Akoloutheo: Come close to me and follow my path, in both body and mind. Answer Jesus’ call and draw near to Him.

Growth in your Life

We all have a longing to grow spiritually and connect with God on a deeper level. Just like a bodybuilder who pushes through physical stress during training to build strength, our spiritual growth requires us to face challenges. Without going through these struggles, we can’t develop in the way we’re meant to.

Let there be light

Genesis 3:1 God says Let There Be Light, representing the revealing of Christ to this world.Jesus is the Light of this world but we are also called to be a light to those around us.