“Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.”


Communion is a Christian sacrament that commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples. It involves the sharing of bread and wine, symbolizing Jesus’ body and blood, and serves as a reminder of His sacrifice for humanity’s sins. Communion is a moment of fellowship, spiritual nourishment, and unity among believers, affirming their faith in Christ and His redemptive work.

The Holy Communion

1Cor.11:23-29 “Do this in remembrance of Me”

What is the Holy Communion?

The Golden tread determined by God the Father according to His will and the seal of approval of His resurrection from the dead, for what happened on the cross and the proclamation of this Divine event. In this lies the truth of:

Matt. 26:28 “For this is My Blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for remission of sin.”

Without any spiritual insight, we miss the deeper meaning of the Holy Communion. Spiritual insight is conceived by the intimate love and reading of the Word of God/The Bible.

Eph. 3:4, Col. 2:2-3, Rom. 10:17

Paul proclaimed the blessing over the believers in:

2Cor. 13:14 “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.”

As a child of God, we can develop a deeper spiritual relationship, so that we can walk in that community through the Holy Spirit, in perfect love. This communion is enveloped in the Holy Communion, symbolized by the bread and cup.

In this message of, “Do this in remembrance of Me”, the communication is,

  • You share your intimate thoughts and emotions with God through prayer.
  • God shares His intimate thoughts and emotions with you through

His Word/The Bible.

All this is! Holy and Divine communion.


Die Heilige Nagmaal

1Kor. 11: 23-29 “Doen dit tot My gedagtenis”

Wat is die Heilige Nagmaal?

Die goue draad van alles wat God die Vader bepaal het volgens Sy wil, en ook die seël van Sy opstanding uit die dood, na wat gebeur het op die kruis en die verkondiging van hierdie Goddelike gebeurtenis, lê in:

Matt. 26 : 28 “Want dit is My Bloed, die Bloed van die nuwe  testament, wat vir baie uitgestort word tot vergifnis van sonde”

Sonder enige geestelike insig, mis ons die diepe betekenis van die Heilige Nagmaal. Geestelike insig word verwek deur die intieme liefde en lees van die Woord van God/Die Bybel.

Ef. 3:4; Kol. 2:2-3; Rom. 10:17

Paulus spreek die seën oor die gelowiges uit in 2Kor. 13:13

“Die genade van die Here Jesus Christus en die liefde van God en die gemeenskap van die Heilige Gees sy met julle almal! Amen.”

As kind van God kan ons ‘n dieper geestelike verhouding ontwikkel, sodat ons in daardie gemeenskap deur die Heilige Gees, in die perfekte liefde kan wandel. Hierdie gemeenskap word in die Heilige Nagmaal omvat, naamlik die brood en beker.

In hierdie boodskap van,  “Doen dit tot My gedagtenis” is daar ‘n kommunikasie van:

  • Jy deel jou intieme emosies en gedagtes met God, deur gebed.
  • God deel Sy intieme emosies en gedagtes met jou, deur Sy Woord/Die Bybel.

Dit is! Heilige en Goddelike gemeenskap.


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